Colonial Pennsylvania Farmstead
4 - 5 weeks
Can be done remotely
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Website design

Posted February 25
Member since 2023-02-05

This project is currently inactive, and cannot accept applications at this time.


Project Overview

Donate your design and user experience recommendations to our nonprofit!

We would like to redesign our website with an enhanced giving section and a more varied and attractive appearance. We would like advice on what viewers of our website are looking for and what they will find attractive. Our Taproot volunteer would also be called on for advice on how to make the content we are preparing (ie: donor page and events) user-friendly and attractive.

Our nonprofit is a living history farm with an improving development program. We are looking to improve our marketing to advertise several new initiatives. Our website is underdeveloped and needs improvement in design.

We have moved our website to a more user-friendly host and started some redesign. We have been developing content for the site but want advice on how best to design the site for ease of use and attractiveness. We would like advice on what people who view our site are looking to see.


Nonprofit Overview

The Colonial Pennsylvania Farmstead is an authentic living history site with the purpose of enhancing understanding of 1760-90 farm life in Southeastern Pennsylvania by providing high quality, research based experiences to the public.


User experience design
Graphic design web
User interface design