1 - 3 weeks
Can be done remotely
Washington, D.C.
HR Management

Posted June 03
Member since 2024-05-30

This project is currently inactive, and cannot accept applications at this time.


Project Overview

We are looking for a volunteer to help our organization create our first employee contract. We already have a contractor contract (for 1099 or temporary project based team members) and believe it just needs some minor revisions to be appropriate for a full time employee. We are about to receive our first major grant funding and would like to be ready to hire as soon as that comes through. We cannot yet afford legal counsel as we don't have funding yet, but need to be ready to hire as soon as the funding comes through. We were able to work with a pro bono service that created the contractor template for us, and we believe this will be a good basis to build the employee contract so that we can be ready to hire FTEs as soon as we have money in!I can provide the contractor agreement and other language regarding what we need from an employee. We have also consulted some pro bono counsel and done research with regards to compliance and procedures we will need to undertake once we hire full time employees. Once we have an employee contract and our grant funding comes through we will hire our first team members.


Nonprofit Overview

TResearch is an education policy research group providing objective analysis, deep insights, and detailed recommendations for organizations seeking to support equitable student outcomes and promote community and economic development through education. TResearch’s mission is to conduct work that is student-centered, informed by the experiences of today’s learners, particularly those who have been traditionally underserved by our education system. This includes students with children and students with disabilities, students that are first generation, from racially minoritized backgrounds, from rural communities, and students with intersections of these and other identities. To realize our mission, TResearch conducts and publishes research, provides data capacity building support, and acts as a liaison between students, education institutions, and policymakers through advocacy and communications. TResearch has expertise in a variety of education policy issue areas, as well as in report development, data visualization, building data infrastructure, and working with public and proprietary student data sources. At TResearch, we believe research is a tool to empower action, whether it be in the classroom, on campus, or in Congress. Our vision is to conduct work that increases equitable access to education as a catalyst for student and community success. Increasing and equalizing access to education is the first step in breaking down historic and ongoing structural barriers to racial and social justice, and to improving the well-being of all people.


Hr management
Operations management
Performance management