Next Step Learning Center Inc.
1 - 3 weeks
Can be done remotely
Oakland, California

Posted June 03
Member since 2024-05-31

This project is currently inactive, and cannot accept applications at this time.


Project Overview

Next Step is looking for a learning management systems (LMS) specialist to assist us in making our existing curricula accessible online. Courses have been created in Articulate and are waiting to be hosted on an online platform. We need expertise in deciding how and where to post our courses for student use with a very limited budget for an LMS. Since courses are self-grading, we are unable to use most free platforms such as Canvas.

Through Next Step, more than 500 students annually participate in educational pathways out of poverty. We offer liberation-based free courses from basic literacy to college preparation to students aged 17 to 70. Connecting students to online content will accelerate learning and create remote options for hundreds more students. We are curriculum experts in need of this final piece to make the project successful. Your help in setting up our online platform today will help thousands of low-income students in the years to come.

Next Step has a bank of curriculum already created and vetted by students. We are in our 30th year with an established program, staff, and student body. We have been unsuccessful in hosting the online courses in free platforms such as Canvas as we need capacity for the embedded scoring system to work. We need this final step in identifying options to host the materials that our user and budget-friendly.


Nonprofit Overview

Next Step strengthens Oakland communities through intensive and personalized education programs for low-income adults and transitional-aged youth, leading to increased literacy, high school completion, and transitions to college and the workforce.

Next Step provides educational avenues out of poverty through free, one-on-one instruction for low-income people 17 and older who did not complete - or never enrolled in - high school. Participants enroll in our accredited high school or GED programs and receive personalized instruction to build literacy, earn credits and graduate. Students benefit from in-person and on-line instruction. College prep, placement and ongoing college tutoring follow graduation. All students receive case management and employment services.

Next Step is committed to addressing education disparities due to race, income and gender by employing social justice principles to learning. We measure success through graduation rates and increased income.


Database administration