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You'll have a 30 minute call to discuss the scope and deliverables of the project directly with Friends of Great Highway Park, and for them to confirm you're a good fit.


Once accepted, you'll be able to get right to work. We will check in with you periodically to make sure you have everything you need.
Friends of Great Highway Park
1 - 3 weeks
Can be done remotely
San Francisco, California
Marketing Strategy

Posted June 10
Member since 2024-05-30

Project Overview

We need help setting up conversion and key event tracking for our website within Google Analytics and its related Ads account. We use Squarespace for our website, which has complicated the setup process beyond our skill set. Our nonprofit runs Google Ads campaigns but wants to ensure we're making effective use of this tool by tracking ROI through site conversions and events.We the support of the community and people across San Francisco to form and achieve our vision as an organization. Part of that is finding those people. We've found targeted ads to be one of the best ways to bring in a greater subset of people from the community, but it's more difficult to measure the success of our ad runs without proper conversion tracking. Once we have the ability to easily measure our ad runs, we can better use our donations to run more successful advertising campaigns.We feel like we're already 95% of the way there. Google Analytics is up and running. Google Ads is up and running. The two are linked and we are bringing people in through the Ads. Where we're having trouble is implementing key events that can track conversion.


Nonprofit Overview

At Friends of Great Highway Park, we advocate for open, accessible community-oriented space along San Francisco's Ocean Beach, including a new 2 mile, 17 acre park.

Presently, the Great Highway, a four lane road, dominates the coastline. We think big about how we could improve access, respond to rising sea levels, and make park space out of what is currently concrete.

Friends of Great Highway Park is a 501(c)(3) registered non-profit run entirely by volunteers from the local community.


Marketing management
Google ad words
Google analytics