Parivartan Social Foundation
4 - 5 weeks
Can be done remotely
New Delhi, India
13 projects

Posted June 12
Member since 2020-02-29

This project is currently inactive, and cannot accept applications at this time.


Project Overview

We are looking for skilled volunteers to help us automate and streamline the data collection and processing system for remote rural schools.

This project involves improving the efficiency of gathering and visualizing data on students' health, government-provided free meals, and attendance. Volunteers will leverage their data analytics and visualization skills to create a robust solution that saves time for teachers, allowing them to focus more on their students.Join us in revolutionizing education for remote rural schools! We need your expertise in data analytics and visualization to transform our manual, inefficient data collection processes into a seamless, automated system. By contributing just a few hours a week from the comfort of your home, you can help teachers spend more time with their students and less on paperwork. Be a part of this impactful project and make a real difference in the lives of children and educators.We have already gathered all the necessary data and defined the requirements for the project. Our team has mapped out the current process and identified key areas for improvement. We are now ready to move to the implementation phase and need skilled volunteers to bring this project to life. Once the target solution is developed, we will conduct testing with school authorities to ensure its accuracy and efficiency. We will then train the teachers and administrative staff in these rural schools on how to use the new system. Continuous support and feedback mechanisms will be in place to address any issues and ensure the system remains effective and beneficial for the long term.


Nonprofit Overview

Bring happiness in lives of students from government schools of remote rural areas via free Education which involves:
1. Career Coaching: Guiding and helping students to build their capabilities and skills to meet their career goals.
2. Technology Awareness: Educating students and teachers about computers and its application in their lives and career.


Training and development
Data science
Data visualization