Jersey City Connections Inc.
1 - 3 weeks
Can be done remotely
Jersey City, New Jersey

Posted July 08
Member since 2024-06-26

This project is currently inactive, and cannot accept applications at this time.


Project Overview

We are in need of a creative design volunteer to help us pull together 3 sponsorship packages:
1.) A sponsorship pack for an Annual Fundraiser
2.) A sponsorship pack for a new space and supporting the build-out costs for that space (naming a room) for a $$$ fee. This packet will focus on helping to raise funds for the new space (costs associated with the new center space).
3.) An annual sponsorship pack to support the agency - showing who we are, who we serve in a year + our impact.

These sponsorship packets allow us to raise much-needed funding for our LGBTQ+ Center. They will help highlight our work, tell our story, and make big-time dollar asks to supporters/companies and potential sponsors. This will help us diversify our funding, keeping the center financially stable as we are primarily grant funded and are working to move away from that. We have a list of key sponsors we want to make asks for on each level. We have an example of sponsor packs we have used in the past. We have the info about our work and the impact ready. We also have a lot of images and stock photos that we think would be good to use within the materials.


Nonprofit Overview

Hudson Pride Center is a home and voice for the diverse LGBTQ+ community and our allies that advocates for our physical, mental, social and political well­­­-being. We create safe and vibrant spaces to gather and celebrate our lives.


Graphic design
Print design