Bagly Inc.
1 - 3 weeks
Can be done remotely
Boston, Massachusetts
Accounting & Finance

Posted July 01
Member since 2024-06-27

This project is currently inactive, and cannot accept applications at this time.


Project Overview

We're looking for a volunteer with experience maintaining a bookkeeping system in QuickBooks! We'd like help with setting up regular journal entries, finding and correcting errors, separating out a fiscally-sponsored entity, and documenting the process for the future. This project would ideally involve spending about 5 hours a week with us (in-person or virtually) over the course of 2-4 weeks.

In our first meeting, we'll share with you what existing systems we have, and the scant procedures that currently exist. In phase one you'll help us figure out what a) hasn't been done regularly but should, and b) determine if something had been done regularly but dropped off. In phase two you'll help us determine the best way to document what needs to be done going forward to maintain the accounting system. It would be greatly appreciated if you could be available the following month-end when generating the P&L and Balance Sheet to catch anything that was missed during the initial project.

I'm relatively new to being a director in a nonprofit, and while I do have a finance background, I haven't done any accounting before! I'd love your help in making sure I can close the books for June to end our fiscal year, and in helping me and my team be more confident when it comes to maintaining and updating QuickBooks.

Our organization affects hundreds of LGBTQ+ youth across the state through barrier-free therapy, STI testing, youth training, and statewide events. Our team is the backbone for everything that happens, from policies and procedures, to signage, to event planning, to budgeting, and this project will help us spend more time working to get staff and youth the resources they need to thrive.

We have a QuickBooks subscription and have done some online training in how to make journal entries. Once the project is complete, we'll have a guide on how to maintain the books going forward so that someone coming in to a position on the operations team will understand how to interpret the organization-specific information and adjustments.


Nonprofit Overview

BAGLY: The Boston Alliance of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Youth, is a youth-led, adult-supported social support organization, committed to social justice and creating, sustaining, and advocating for programs, policies, and services for the LGBTQ+ youth community.


Training and development