National Diversity Council
6 - 9 weeks
Can be done remotely
Houston, Texas
Marketing Strategy

Posted July 08
Member since 2017-06-18

This project is currently inactive, and cannot accept applications at this time.


Project Overview

As a small nonprofit focused on advancing Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (DEIB), the National Diversity Council (NDC) recognizes the pivotal role of social media in our growth. With our organization having social media accounts, we are eager to expand our organic followers and boost our revenue. We are looking for a skilled volunteer to spearhead a social media campaign that can help us expand our online presence.

Project activities:
1. Developing, creating, and executing a social media campaign, focused on LinkedIn.
2. Expanding this campaign to other social media platforms such as X, Twitter, and Instagram.

The ideal volunteer will bring prior experience in analyzing performance metrics and leveraging data to enhance social media marketing campaigns, particularly on LinkedIn, thereby augmenting brand awareness. An understanding of social media trends and exceptional communication skills are prerequisites. Proficiency in analytical tools is a must.

This social media campaign is a priority for the NDC since it will be launched at a time where DEIB is under increasing attack by conservatives. DEIB encompasses a broad range of concerns that address the needs of the majority of Americans in a way that enhances our workplaces, communities and society.

This social media campaign is a priority for the NDC because it will enable us to raise our profile as the leading national nonprofit organization advancing DEIB and generate charitable donations that are essential for our growth. We need to ensure that individuals committed to DEIB know about our cause and are able to take action in support of DEIB, including by donating to our nonprofit.

This project is an excellent investment of a skilled volunteer’s time because it helps a nonprofit, the NDC, to advance its charitable mission for DEIB. It will help raise public awareness of the NDC and DEIB. This campaign will also be an inaugural one for the NDC and the organization will learn a lot about how to tailor its message to the audience most open to DEI. The data and analytics we obtain from this project will enable us to develop stronger social media campaigns in the future.

The NDC has a Communications Team that has been working on developing its social media presence, especially on LinkedIn, where we have 50K followers. However, given our limited resources, we have not had the capacity to develop a social media campaign to explore the many ways in which social media platforms, especially LinkedIn, can raise the NDC’s brand awareness and help us generate charitable donations and drive individuals to learn more about our learning tools and events.

The volunteer will work closely with our Communications Team and others who are keen to enhance our social media presence, particularly LinkedIn. We already have content – such as videos, graphics, photographs, and public statements – that can be used to generate ideas. Our CEO and leadership team will brainstorm and engage with our volunteers. If needed, the NDC is open to making a modest financial investment in a campaign that will generate charitable contributions.


Nonprofit Overview

The mission of the National Diversity Council is to be both a resource and an advocate for the value of diversity, equity and inclusion. The NDC serves as the umbrella organization to support our statewide and regional affiliates, which foster an understanding of diversity and inclusion as a dynamic strategy for business success and community well-being through various initiatives.


Copy writing
Social media strategy
Google analytics