Climate Psychology Alliance of North America
6 - 9 weeks
Can be done remotely
New York, New York
Website design

Posted July 16
Member since 2021-11-28

This project is currently inactive, and cannot accept applications at this time.


Project Overview

We are looking to update our current Climate Aware Therapy directory to make it more accessible and user-friendly for both therapists and people looking for climate aware mental health services. We have a current directory that is functional, but in no way ideal and we would like to build a new site that can grow with expanding need and services.Climate Distress is escalating all over the country and CPA-NA is an organization that is trying to address that distress in various ways - through public advocacy, through informing the public, through climate cafe work, and through offering support services to individuals and organizations on the fence and front line of climate change work. We believe this work is essential to develop community and individual resiliency in the face of escalating climate distress and political polarization.We currently have a directory that we have been able to maintain and sustain. We have the infrastucture in place to continue doing so with a much improved directory.


Nonprofit Overview

Climate Psychology Alliance North America (CPA-NA) addresses the urgent psychological dimensions of the climate and ecological crisis and promotes cultural shifts toward human resilience, regeneration, and equity.

As a hub for climate psychology in the United States and Canada, we:

Educate and train mental health professionals in climate-aware practices;
Foster a collaborative community of climate- and environmentally-aware mental health providers;

Inform the public about the varied and layered mental health aspects of the planetary crisis.

In our work, both in theory and practice, we recognize that interconnected forms of collective trauma, exploitation, and othering—including systemic racism, misogyny, and anthropocentrism—lie at the heart of the climate crisis.


User experience design
User interface design