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You'll have a 30 minute call to discuss the scope and deliverables of the project directly with My Brother's Keeper Facility LTD, and for them to confirm you're a good fit.


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My Brother's Keeper Facility LTD
1 - 3 weeks
Can be done remotely
Baltimore, Maryland
Marketing Strategy

Posted July 22
Member since 2024-02-21

Project Overview

For this second part of our fundraising project, I would like a skilled volunteer to write a complete list of philanthropists in the area of Baltimore and nationally might donate to our organization. Develop a presentation of the business and a strategy for urging the organizations to give. (I will provide as much information about the business as you will need to aid in creating fundraising avenues with philanthropic organizations.) I want to pursue every avenue available to receive donations from these persons and organizations. We are raising funds from every possible source for this much needed organization, which will change our clients lives permanently. There is no other organization which will give therapy as part of their program unless it is a program that they pay for. Our program will also offer the permanent change that people pay for, but our clients won't have to pay for it. We are completing a directive and workbook for this organization so that our efforts can be duplicated and repeated all over the area and then the country. The masses of addicts in this country need the same treatment that the wealthy have to stay clean, and we will give it to them, just to change their lives and give them a fair chance to regain control.We have no resource that tells us how to write to philanthropic organizations, and what we don't want to do is to do it the wrong way, so we need guidance on how to proceed with them. We are hoping to find a skilled volunteer who is familiar with what they generally look for before approaching these organizations. We have a whole business built around these parts of the plan, and we are ready to move forward when everything is in place.


Nonprofit Overview

Our mission is to work with individuals who have been incarcerated off and on due to addiction problems who are ready to make a change for the better in their lives. We don't just focus on the addiction, but we focus on the core cause of the addiction. We focus on the spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical being of the whole person. Our goal is to cure the inner turmoil of the individual that causes the addicition. Once, we are able to improve the spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical issues of drug addiction. Then, we are able to assist the individual with becoming a productive member of society with a whole new leaf on life free of addiction.


Business planning
Market research
Marketing strategy