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Campaign: Children NEED Parents, Inc.
New York, New York
Grant writing/development

Member since 2023-07-12

Session Overview

We have a fundraising Case Statement and would like it evaluated. We are a public education campaign in early stage development.

Nonprofit Overview

The Campaign envisions a nation where every child is wanted by at least one family.
The Campaign accepts the task of telling the public that this is possible.
The Campaign will generate 5,000,000 signatures endorsing this vision.

There are 1,000,000+ kids in the U.S. raising themselves. It’s a horrible child-rearing plan with predictable results. A fatal tragedy is that there are enough families presently willing and able to raise each one of these children.

About half of the kids are in Foster Care, and a large number are in the custody of other child caring systems (juvenile justice, mental health, etc.) Of course, there are many, many children on the streets or couch surfing, or.... what they have in common is that they're on their own.
It is a hidden issue and will not be resolved until the general public demands that necessary changes be implemented. The Campaign intends to stimulate a national discussion leading to a societal commitment to bring the children home. It's an idea whose time has come.


Grant writing