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You'll have an 1 hour call to help a nonprofit leader navigate their challenge.
The Stephanie A. Wynn Foundation
Tampa, Florida
Marketing Strategy
2 projects

Member since 2023-07-23

Session Overview

In our upcoming consultation session, our primary goal is to develop a robust marketing strategy to effectively promote our "Exploring Health Equity Beyond The IBD Diagnosis Lunch and Learn Series." We aim to increase community engagement and participation, particularly among African American and other underserved groups affected by Inflammatory Bowel Diseases. We seek advice on the best practices for digital marketing, including which platforms are most effective for reaching our target audience, strategies for impactful messaging, and methods for measuring campaign success. Insight into any previous successful case studies or data-driven marketing strategies in similar health or non-profit sectors would also be invaluable. Additional context and our past initiatives can be found on our website, which we will share during our session.


Nonprofit Overview

Our mission as a 501c3 nonprofit is remove healthcare and financial disparities faced by underserved African Americans who are diagnosed with Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (IBD) specifically Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s Disease.


Marketing strategy