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The Sustainability Laboratory
New York, New York
Grant writing/development

Member since 2024-04-02

This session is currently inactive, and cannot accept applications at this time.


Session Overview

The Sustainability Laboratory is embarking on a Building for Growth strategy with specific objectives that include strengthening The Lab’s administrative infrastructure and capacity of core team; professionalizing The Lab’s fundraising capacity and securing a continuous long-term funding stream; and launching a special Project Development Fund to support development projects at the early conceptual stage.

While we are aware that a strong fundraising strategy involves cultivation of individual donors on all levels, as well as obtaining government, foundation, and corporate grants, building consistent and dedicated outreach is a challenge.

At present, The Lab is without a development team or grant writer and does not currently have the funds to hire the necessary staff—hence the need to strengthen The Lab’s infrastructure. Our initial thought was to seek out a student intern to assist with grant writing, however, The Lab requires a more experienced overall approach, someone that can help develop and set in place a broader fundraising strategy.

As such, we are requesting a consultation via Taproot to help us determine the best approach to accomplishing our fundraising goals, rather than submitting a project request as we are unsure what is needed. We also welcome advice on whether we should, in the interim, take on a student intern as a grant writer until we can hire a professional.

We are grateful for your assistance and look forward to meeting you.


Nonprofit Overview

The Sustainability Laboratory (The Lab) is a non-profit, 501 (c)(3), research, development, and educational organization based in New York. It was established by Dr. Michael Ben-Eli to develop and demonstrate groundbreaking approaches to sustainability practices, expanding prospects and producing positive, life-affirming impacts on people and ecosystems in all parts of the world. Since its inception in 2008, The Lab has gained international recognition for its innovative contributions to the global sustainability agenda.

Founded on the belief that effective responses will not likely emerge from the same methods and mechanisms that perpetuate existing crises, The Lab fosters bold experimentation with innovative ideas, approaches and technologies that transcend prevailing conventions. The concept of The Lab is also unique in scope. It embraces the whole planet, the integrity and health of its biosphere, and the well-being of humanity.

Lab activities are guided by a unique, action-oriented conceptual framework―The Lab’s signature approach―which combines a holistic system-thinking and system-based design strategy; a pioneering theory of change; and a rigorous definition of sustainability and five core sustainability principles.

The Lab is being developed as a global network of activity hubs based on different ecozones with an intention to cover all major biomes, including urban ecology.

Recognized internationally for its work, The Lab’s comprehensive approach has resulted in a cascade effect of powerful impacts across sectors and issues.


Grant writing