Project Management
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Project Management Framework and SOP Development
We are seeking someone with an operations background to help us prioritize efforts, keep projects on track, create and sustain processes, and ensure strategic initiatives are successful. Are you an extremely organized and detail-oriented problem-solver who is passionate about driving progress via grassroots community engagement? Are you a positive and flexible leader who enjoys tackling big challenges in a start-up environment? Read on!
The project will entail the following:
- Create a series of standard operating procedures for ongoing processes such as budgeting, expense tracking, compliance, and web system administration
- Develop six videos focused on building health, wealth, and power in the Black community (including researching topics, creating scripts, and filming...but we don't need high quality video production!)
- Support our team in developing a project management framework that can be used to streamline efforts longer-term and keep the team on track
BlockPower helps organizations create networks of “Community Ambassadors” who empower family members, friends, and neighbors to build health, wealth, and power year-round in Black communities with unrealized civic strength in North Carolina, Florida, Georgia, and Texas. As elections approach, we help Community Ambassadors activate their networks to expand voter outreach and increase civic engagement. BlockPower is committed to continuous improvement of its model and processes, seeing the primary and general elections every year as an opportunity to test and iterate.
We are at a critical point in our evolution - with two full-time employees working on technical development and organizing, someone who could guide us in developing good habits and processes will turbo-charge our efforts and ensure we're maximizing our impact going into the 2022 election cycle.
BlockPower has been in formal operation for nearly two years, and we're just getting started. We are lucky to have a network of volunteers who help our full-time staff drive progress, are led by a visionary data whiz who brings a wealth of campaign experience (including work on both Obama campaigns), and are developing fruitful partnerships with dynamic local organizations doing incredible grassroots organizing.
http://www.blockpower.voteMember Since
Sep 2020
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