Staff Development
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Leadership training for management retreat
The Alcott Center is looking for a skilled individual to support leadership development among our management staff. The Alcott Center would be grateful for the support of a skilled individual who has experience with leadership training for a management retreat.
The Alcott Center has expanded rapidly over the course of the last year to provide the much-needed mental health and housing resources throughout Los Angeles County. The Alcott Center staff has expanded from 25 staff members to over 120 over the last 4 years. With this expansion, we would like to make a dedicated effort to train our management staff on how to be the best leaders they can be to better serve our community. You can be a part of empowering our leadership staff and in turn empowering community members navigating mental health and housing challenges.
The management staff of the Alcott Center has completed the Dare to Lead workbook over the course of the last few months and has engaged in many conversations centered around effective leadership. The Alcott Center is planning a management retreat, ideally in April, and we would love for someone skilled in leadership development to do a training with our staff during the retreat. The candidate for this project would be able to attend in person or virtually.
Alcott Center for Mental Health Services
http://www.alcottcenter.orgMember Since
Jan 2022
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Portland Aquatic Club
LCMS K.I.S.S. Club (Parent Booster USA)
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