Grant writing/development
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Review a Draft Letter of Introduction
MOMI— the Museum of Makers and Innovators— is a nonprofit that is planning the ONLY children’s/ family/ discovery museum in northern NJ. We were founded in 2017 and have been able to continue momentum through the past few years. Our plans for 2024 include doubling our funds raised. We’re gearing up to apply for more grants this year and are looking for assistance reviewing a draft Letter of Introduction (LOI), which will be sent to foundations.
This is a VERY quick volunteer project, consisting of reviewing a two-page document, which will be customized and sent to several different family foundations. We hope to get feedback from some of these foundations in order to take our next steps. MOMI has a board of mostly new members and has successfully installed a playscape in a local park. The grand opening for the playscape will take place in June.
We already have an LOI, which has been sent out in the past, but we’re looking to improve upon it. We are in the midst of totally redoing the MOMI website and re-writing the organization’s Mission and Vision statements. Once completed, the LOI will be mailed to 3-5 family foundations, and we will await a response and, hopefully, some feedback, then move on to next steps.
Museum of Makers and Innovators
http://www.thinkmomi.orgMember Since
Feb 2024
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