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You'll have a 30 minute call to discuss the scope and deliverables of the project directly with Striving For All, and for them to confirm you're a good fit.


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Striving For All
6 - 9 weeks
Can be done remotely
Dublin, California
2 projects

Posted March 12
Member since 2022-07-01

Project Overview

We are seeking a skilled volunteer to lead a comprehensive research project focused on business development and innovation within our nonprofit, Striving For All. This initiative aims to identify new opportunities and strategies to enhance our operations, expand our reach, and increase our impact in underserved communities.

Project Scope:
-Market Analysis: Conduct an in-depth analysis of current trends, needs, and opportunities in the nonprofit sector related to education and health services.
-Best Practices Research: Investigate successful models and strategies from similar organizations, focusing on business development, sustainability, and impact maximization.
-Opportunity Identification: Identify potential areas for growth, innovation, and collaboration that align with our mission and capabilities.
-Strategic Recommendations: Provide actionable recommendations based on the research findings to inform our strategic planning and business development efforts.

This project is crucial for Striving For All to navigate the evolving landscape of nonprofit operations and to continue making a meaningful difference in the lives of those we serve. The ideal volunteer will possess expertise in market research, strategic analysis, and nonprofit business development, with a passion for social impact and a keen analytical mind.

Dive into a pivotal Research Project with Striving For All and become the catalyst for our next growth phase. Your expertise in business and development research will unlock new opportunities, guiding us to innovate and expand our impact in education and health for underserved communities. This project is a priority as we aim to adapt to the changing needs of those we serve, ensuring our strategies are robust and forward-thinking. Your insights will directly influence our strategic direction, helping us to enhance our operations and outreach. This is an exceptional opportunity to apply your skills where they can have a profound effect, shaping the future of our mission and making a lasting difference. Join us, and let's drive meaningful change together.For the Research Project on business and development, we've set the groundwork and have a clear action plan.

-Scope Definition: We've clearly defined the project's objectives, ensuring a focused and efficient research process.
-Resource Allocation: Necessary resources, including access to relevant data and tools, have been organized to support the research activities.
-Stakeholder Engagement: Key stakeholders have been briefed, securing their support and involvement where needed.

Post-Project Implementation Plan:
-Strategic Review: We'll analyze the research findings to identify actionable insights and strategic opportunities.
-Integration into Planning: Key recommendations will be integrated into our strategic and operational plans, aligning with our mission and goals.
-Follow-up Actions: We'll outline specific initiatives based on the research, assigning responsibilities and timelines to ensure implementation.


Nonprofit Overview

Empower Schools
We believe that all children and adults no matter where they live, and their socioeconomic status, should receive quality education. Our main goal is to fight illiteracy, which is a plague in developing countries, by improving existing educational infrastructure and by empowering teachers to inspire lifelong learning, advance knowledge, and thus strengthen communities.

Support Communities
We understand that our support to education will be more effective, if the communities to which the student belong are healthy. We are therefore committed to improve life in communities by providing our support with medical care, foods and raise awareness about matters that may impact the well-being of the communities.


Market research
Competitive analysis
Strategic analysis