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Graphic Design: Annual Report
We're looking for a volunteer to create a professional-looking, digital-format annual impact report that communicates our impact to donors and stakeholders.
The volunteer engagement will occur in four phases over four to five weeks. Our first session will be a brainstorm, where we will discuss the key metrics and information we would like to highlight. In our second session together, you'll give us a preview of the preliminary design, and we will provide feedback. We may need one or more additional feedback sessions before our time together culminates with you providing us with the final deliverable in a working format that we could edit in the future and a digital format we can easily share with our stakeholders. This report will be no longer than 12 pages.
Our ideal volunteer has experience designing brochures or reports and will be prepared to show us their portfolio of design examples. We hope you can spend 15-30 hours over four to five weeks.
We are a civil rights agency focused on fair housing. We have struggled with communicating our work and its impact, especially to donors. We could use an outside viewpoint from someone with design experience to help us communicate better.
We'll share our logo and visual branding guidelines with you. We also will take responsibility for writing the copy and providing you with compelling data for our report as well as stories we'd like to highlight and some images.
Long Island Housing Services Inc.
http://www.LIFairHousing.orgMember Since
Jul 2021
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