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Develop a Legacy Gifts Campaign
The Nicholas Center is looking to create a Legacy Gifts Campaign. We are seeking expertise and guidance on how to best create and enact this plan with our existing donor base and community members. We are also looking to connect with newcomers who may not know about us, but who may be interested in our mission and seeing it continue and grow in the future.
1 in 36 Children in the U.S. have Autism. 85% - Autistic individuals face a staggering 85% unemployment and under-engagement once school services end. 700,000 people will become working-age Autistic adults in the next decade (1 in 45). $2,000,000 (estimated) lifetime societal cost of each unemployed Autistic individual.
Since 2011, The Nicholas Center has revolutionized the way Autistic adults learn, live, and work in the community by creating dynamic and engaging programming and support. Acting as agents of change, the organization works to inspire, encourage, and motivate communities to include Autistic individuals in all facets of community life. With a focus on inclusive employment, The Nicholas Center offers a Supported Employment Program offering on-the-job experiences and has been instrumental in the creation of micro-businesses, including the TNC Chocolate Lab!
The person-centered approach focuses on promoting independence, building confidence, and offering a safe space to foster vital peer connections. This innovative program model is a lifeline not only for the individuals served, but for those who love and care for them. Additionally, it is a win-win for the business and community partners we engage we offer vocational training and community project opportunities, the entities gain valuable and loyal volunteers, and potential employees! Many of our partners admit they would have difficulty contnuing to achieve their mission were it not for the help offered by The Nicholas Center.
The Nicholas Center has marketing materials, a website, myriad videos (virtual tours of both locations, a TNC video and a PSA commercial) social media platforms - Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, a Podcast, Agents of Humanity (co-hosted by 4 Autistic individuals), a bi-weekly online news program, Nicholas Center News, an annual Impact Report, quarterly newsletters and more.
The volunteer will have the support of our Development Director, Media Coordinator and Events Assistant on this special project.
Nicholas Center, Ltd
http://www.tncnewyork.orgMember Since
Mar 2024
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