Website development
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WordPress: Discreet Website Updates
CheckOrphan is looking to lean on your expertise with WordPress programming to execute the following:
1. There is a category on our website that is missing from public view. It exists on the back end of the site but is not showing in the navigation menu.
2. News articles are not appearing in chronological order for some reason in a few places on the site. We'd like your assistance in correcting the bug.
3. Treatment Database
We pull in ("scrape) information from two websites that offer their information. The framework for the scraping exists in the code, but the sites from which we scrape data from changed, and thus, the programming for the scraping script needs to be updated so that the database on CheckOrphan has updated content. Related to this, we would like to also add a notification that would send an email if the database is not updating in the future.
4. We have quite a lot of information about rare diseases, especially the daily news section of the website. We have had several requests to offer a newsletter, and we would like to work with you to implement a WordPress newsletter (WordPress offers several templates, which all are fine).
CheckOrphan draws millions of viewers on a monthly basis, as so many rely on its information for their rare disease. You can work with us on short-term help with the website revisions and additions listed below, and we're open to long-term partnerships as well.
We have mapped out the problems, have links to where the problems are and detail of the changes needed for items 1-3. We also have a plan mapped out for the newsletter and are flexible based on your feedback about what can be accomplished.
Checkorphan Inc.
http://www.checkorphan.orgMember Since
Oct 2020
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