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Design & Copy Recommendations for a Nonprofit Annual Report
Share your design and copy skills with our nonprofit! The goal of this project is to revamp our annual report: both the copy and design. We would like to use the annual report as more of a marketing tool and a way to expand our base of supporters.
We are an environmental nonprofit focused on composting. We encourage more people to recycle their food and yard waste as well as use compost to create healthier soil. We do that through out program International Compost Awareness Week. We also hold trainings across the country for people who want to run compost facilities and we fund research projects and scholarships to encourage more compost-related research.
We need someone who can help us create a more compelling, engaging annual report to share with others the important, meaningful work we do.
We already have a history of annual reports, so the person could review those and make suggestions for improvements.
Compost Research & Education Foundation
http://compostfoundation.orgMember Since
Feb 2021
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