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Google Ads Optimization

Polyphony Hs
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We're seeking a volunteer to help us maximize our Google Ad Grant. This project will play a key role in our organization's ability to grow brand awareness and impact community members. This project may include the following activities:
-Development of or updates to our nonprofit's Google Ads strategy
-Training one or two staff members on how to update Google Ads and monitor their performance
-Setting up integration between Google Ads and Google Analytics
-Making recommendations for future search engine optimization or content management projects that will improve our Google Ads health

Our ideal volunteer has experience with Google Ads and/or search engine marketing and copywriting skills.

Polyphony Lit, the world’s oldest and largest teen-run literary magazine, invites teenagers worldwide to submit creative writing, join our editorial staff, write blog posts, take workshops, and grow into leadership roles. Because developing young writers is central to our mission, our editors provide feedback on every submission.

Since our founding in 2004, we've received submissions from students in 84 countries and 52 U.S. states and territories. Our student editors have given feedback to every submission, over 21,000 and counting!

Our organization generates nearly 80% of it's revenue (44k in 2023) through sales of our online editing workshops for teenagers. We offer a summer intensive program, as well as year round editing and creative writing workshops. From that revenue, we're able to offer full scholarships (85 in 2023) to our programs to any student that inquires.

Although we've tried to use Facebook ads to market our programs, we haven't found success, and have learned that nearly all of our sales come from word of mouth and our in-house mailing list. With guidance on how to optimize Google Ads, we hope that we can significantly increase our sales, thus allowing our organization to grow, reach more readers (we currently average 5,000 unique website visits each month), and in turn, offer more scholarships to students in need.

To prepare, we have activated Google Ads for our website and secured a Google Ad Grant award. We are prepared to share the login credentials to our Google Workspace. In our first session together, we'll brief you on our marketing goals, as well as our mission, vision, and purpose. Your training of our team members on Google Ads best practices will help ensure the long-term successful implementation of the great work you share with us.

We've also prepared a list of keywords, headlines, and images that we would like to use. We've been optimizing our site for SEO through Wix's step-by-step guide.

Polyphony Hs



Member Since

Apr 2024

Completed Taproot Plus Partnerships


Our mission is to form a global online community of teens devoted to improving literary skills and nurturing creative voices in the areas of poetry, fiction and creative nonfiction. We strive to build respectful, mutually beneficial, writer-editor relationships. We seek to enrich the literary lives of teens worldwide, especially those living in under-resourced communities. And we honor literary achievement by bringing attention to excellence through awards and publishing much of the extraordinary work we receive.
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