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Develop Short Animated Videos
Our team is looking for a volunteer to help us make short, high energy, animated marketable clips to showcase our nonprofit. The primary platforms will be on Instagram and our website.
Join our nonprofit's mission and bring stories to life through captivating animation and motion videos. Help us spread awareness and inspire action with your creative talents. Together, let's make an impact through visually compelling storytelling.
We've laid the groundwork with an extensive collection of pictures and design references to guide your creative process. Join us in transforming these resources into engaging animation and motion videos that will powerfully convey our nonprofit's message and initiatives
KR Scholars
Richmond, VA
http://www.krscholars.comMember Since
Sep 2023
Completed Taproot Plus Partnerships
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Portland Aquatic Club
LCMS K.I.S.S. Club (Parent Booster USA)
Nia Association