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Design: Infographics & Social Media Graphics
We're in need of a professional who can help us with design: create infographics, marketing campaign materials, and social media graphics! We're extremely motivated to strengthen our marketing efforts, and your designs will help us grab attention and spread awareness of our organization and work.
A Healthier, Happier Me is gradually building up to a nationwide presence with innovative, fun, interactive, inspirational programs and resources designed to improve the physical and emotional well-being of youth and adults from underserved and at-risk communities. Since the target audience for A Healthier, Happier Me includes younger individuals, any improvements to technology/ social media will impact how they wish to get their information. Unlike other nonprofits that solely focus on physical health or emotional health, AHHM focuses on both.
We have a dedicated team member to help with the IT portion of this project. Once all of the marketing strategies are done, we hope to continue the processes and trends by utilizing young interns and dedicated volunteers.
A Healthier, Happier Me Foundation
Website Since
Jun 2023
Completed Taproot Plus Partnerships
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Portland Aquatic Club
LCMS K.I.S.S. Club (Parent Booster USA)
Nia Association