Business Planning
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Fundraising Strategy Development
Our nonprofit needs business development strategy support as we raise money for a vehicle to deliver additional community services.
We require a vehicle (box truck, minivan, or cargo-style van) to collect donations for our organization to donate to youth and families in need. We have a contract with a few stores to collect needed items and we need a vehicle and/or volunteers who will help us in collecting them. We would love assistance in figuring out how to build relationships with potential vehicle or financial donors.
Mending Minds Village was founded in 2022 to assist in juvenile in achieving mental health resources and family stability. Since our inception, we have worked with Huntsman Mental Health Institute, SafeUT, and Reach4Hope to create or expand programs. We have began a donation program to ensure that juveniles at inpatient facilities have their physical health needs met while obtaining mental health treatment. We have reached so many donations that our small vehicle will no longer hold them and requires a larger vehicle and funds to collect these donated items and get them into the hands of those in need. We would love for your help in making this a reality and growing our organization to reach more kids in need.
We began by using a small vehicle and have partnered with several locations willing to donate the necessary items. We have been advertising on our website, social media, and by word of mouth to grow this program. We have also been expanding our programs to be more inclusive of all humans in the area and are developing our programs to be more fitting and inclusive of all facilities in need.
Mending Minds Village
Member Since
May 2024
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