HR Management
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Employee Handbook Development
We are looking for a volunteer who can develop an employee handbook. We're hoping to find a partner with a background in HR and/or operations to improve transparency and accountability by clarifying our employees’ legal rights and our policies, benefits, and other expectations for performance and conduct in a new or revised employee handbook. This project will contain the following activities:
-Identify policies that should be addressed and included
-Present a detailed outline of a new handbook
-Finalize the handbook after receiving feedback from our team
We are an early stage nonprofit and are ready to start hiring our first employees! We are excited to move to this stage, but with limited funding it's hard to do without some help.
To prepare, we've designated a team member to oversee the project. We'll provide you with our existing policies and things that we would like to have included in the handbook. The volunteer should expect to spend 15-20 hours over 4 weeks.
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Portland Aquatic Club
LCMS K.I.S.S. Club (Parent Booster USA)
Nia Association