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Email Template Design
We’re seeking a volunteer to create an eye-catching email template that will capture a reader’s attention and get them interested in our organization so they can see and potential participate in what we do. Our organization uses MailChimp to send out various communications. This template design may include the following:
-Header image
-Call to action button design
-Footer design, complete with links to our social media channels, unsubscribe method, address, etc.
An updated email template will strengthen our outreach efforts and increase awareness of our work.
We're also looking for a volunteer who can design our monthly newsletter template that will be used in MailChimp. This will contain updates on the events we've done, what we are intending to do next, highlighting special people that contributed to the organization, etc.
This project will help our organization by increasing the professionalism and efficiency of getting information to the desired parties. Doing this will allow for you to cultivate strong writing and editing skills, use of the MailChimp software, a better understanding of layout principles, and increase your level of attention to detail.
We have a team member who will provide you with examples of newsletters and emails we’ve sent previously, as well as our logo, colors, and brand guidelines.
Dream Academy Foundation
http://www.dreamafoundation.orgMember Since
Jun 2020
Completed Taproot Plus Partnerships
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Portland Aquatic Club
LCMS K.I.S.S. Club (Parent Booster USA)
Nia Association