Public Relations
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PR Campaign & Media Placement Support
Help LACP gain visibility and traction with public relations: We are looking for a skilled PR professional to help support the organization's annual awards and additional initiatives in Q3 and Q4. The project will include pitches to media, strategy and close work with the LACP staff around promoting and connecting with media around events, exhibitions, workshops and special projects.
LACP is Los Angeles's last remaining photo center and an important hub for visual storytellers at all stages of their careers. From our headquarters in Downtown Los Angeles, and through extensive online programming and partnerships across SoCal, LACP removes barriers for entry into creative practice.
LACP has been a nonprofit for 11 years and like many other nonprofits in the creative sector, we can benefit from your expertise and skill! We have a small and mighty dedicated team and we need your help to get our message out there to new audiences and more people who can benefit from and be inspired by our work.
This will be the 9th iteration of our annual Awards Ceremony, which is also our biggest fundraiser of the year. We have press lists and have done initial outreach, but we need your help with garnering more media attention and placements. It is a huge celebration for our community, which also honors powerhouses in the world of photography. You can read more (and get excited!) right here:
Los Angeles Center of Photography
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