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Handicapped Veterans Association Inc
6 - 9 weeks
Can be done remotely
Hodgenville, Kentucky
Accounting & Finance
3 projects

Posted July 08
Member since 2023-01-22

Project Overview

We are looking for a volunteer skilled in accounting and financial management to conduct a financial audit for the past fiscal year. Total receipts for the period > $50K.

Additionally, we need a qualified person to meet with our COO and CFO regarding financial department buildout for the larger organization. The questions we need to ask are: 'What are the pros and cons of having both the National association's bookkeeping and future State associations' bookkeeping done at the National level given our business type? and 'What are the legal and practical considerations in each case? How about State and Federal reporting considerations?'

Want to do something worthwhile for our Veterans? We've developed the vehicle.
The HVA web platform is designed to develop community, address Veteran suicide and to solve VA health care problems based on the latest research.

"Social networking sites for suicide prevention can facilitate social community among peers with similar experiences."
Luxton DD, June JD, Kinn JT. Technology-based suicide prevention: current applications and future directions.

" ... military veterans present unique experiences of loneliness and social isolation, ... This requires specific attention outside of campaigns targeted at the non-military population.”
Loneliness and social isolation of military veterans: systematic narrative review G Wilson, M Hill, M D Kiernan

We could use your help in working to address this challenge.The books are up to date and balanced. Our volunteer CFO and bookkeeper will provide the bank statements and backup necessary for proper review and certification of the books.
Our Founder and COO will be available for the expansion-related conversations.


Nonprofit Overview

Handicapped Veterans Association (HVA) is a unique Veterans Service Organization and Third Party Survey Provider.*

Our mission is to:
Build Community - Address Veteran Suicide - Help Solve Healthcare Problems.

Our Stakeholders are:
-US Military Veterans rated 30% or more disabled by the Veterans Administration that are followed in VA Clinics
-Affiliated Veteran Service Organizations
-Individual VA Clinics.

Affiliated VSOs and VA Clinics share in management of the project through a seat on the Board of Directors.

Our Third Party Survey mechanism and delivery system is a HIPPA compliant, member based social/advocacy website. A separate site is planned for each State and US Territory as the project matures.

Building Community
Visit, chat and private message on the social timeline
Meet at local and regional events sponsored by Affiliated VSOs.

Addressing Veteran Suicide
"Social networking sites for suicide prevention can facilitate social community among peers with similar experiences." Luxton DD, June JD, Fairall JM. Social media and Suicide

Solving Healthcare Problems
HVA identifies problems through web based polls and forums
Vote in their VA Clinic’s ‘How Was Your Day at the VA?’ poll
Give an ‘atta-boy to a VA employee, or Clinic
Discuss health care problems with others from the same clinic.
Request advocacy under the Member Initiated Reporting Process (MIRP)

The MIRP process is managed by elected representatives from each Stakeholder type, and begins with a courtesy call between a HVA Member Rep and the Clinic’s Patient Rep.

In all, HVA offers its Stakeholders a new and exciting place for Members to meet and interact privately, and a vital management resource to assist the VA in solving healthcare problems and Veteran suicide.

* Organizations that are independent from the project they are evaluating. This allows them to conduct their evaluation without bias or influence from the design team, owners or managers.
** Details @

