Accounting & Finance
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Develop an Operational Budget for a Growing Nonprofit
TRACTION, a 501(c)(3) based in Washington State, is only a few years old but is growing quickly. Until now, we have just scooted along from project to project, but we now have an employee and other year-round expenses, and we need to develop a formal agency budget rather than just going off of what we have in the bank. We need an experienced nonprofit finance guru to help us make some decisions and assemble an overall budget that makes sense, is mission-centric, and follows best practices. We have less than $300k right now, but we see that growing in the coming years.
We're preparing several new grant proposals, and this document is critical both to our proposal submissions and our long-term success. I would imagine 2-3 meetings and a couple of draft rounds would suffice, but you're the expert! :)
We need to get started right away... proposal deadlines are lurking! Thank you for sharing your skills with us.
With a basic draft, we are off to a good start, but we need to make sure our decisions are based on reality. This probably needs more detail/drill-down.
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