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I just launched Re:Force (, a benefit corporation, dedicated to tackling staffing shortages in healthcare, education and social services. Re:Force aims to build a "service-force" of individuals who don't ordinarily see themselves in frontline roles (e.g., EMTs or substitute teachers). We target individuals who are already employed (e.g., office-based employees) or have other responsibilities (e.g., parenting) to fill these frontline roles alongside their current role, as more than a volunteer but less than a part-time employee. We know individuals want this - but struggle to integrate meaningful service into their busy lives!! Re:Force is the one-stop shop to validate interest, train and be placed in your role of choice with the right organization. Messaging and marketing this new concept presents a unique challenge - looking for expertise in marketing, comms and messaging!
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1-Hour Consultation
I'd like advice on the first steps of how to structure my non-profit. We're getting consulting work, so wondering how funds should be divided amongst the people helping. Various...
View OpportunitySocial Impact Studio.AI
1-Hour Consultation
Disease & Medical Research
During this consultation call, we are looking for advice on an integrated system that can support our participant management, event registration, and centralized data tracking...
View OpportunityTower Cancer Research Foundation
1-Hour Consultation
Accounting & Finance
Social Services
We are looking for a volunteer to provide basic advice on using QuickBooks for accounting and maintaining financial records.
View OpportunityFuture Hope Foundation