Program Design
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The goal is to receive an evaluation of our current program and gather recommendations on to help us build out a potential project. FLOW, our period care program is an activation for introducing menstrual health methods and safe products for pre-teens to young adults. Our intention is to be advocates encouraging body literacy to promote healthy self esteem and self efficacy. Participants have a personalized workshop facilitated by a certified teacher or medical professional, a physical activity session (yoga, pilates, breathing meditation). Lastly they are gifted with safe period essentials to take home. The intention is lasting impact by creating an uplifting experience centered on body literacy. How could we use taproot volunteers to perfect, amplify, and/or scale our program? It's time for a program director. That's the intention of this consultation.
http://hashtaghappyperiod.orgMember Since
Sep 2021
Completed Taproot Plus Partnerships
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