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You'll have an 1 hour call to help a nonprofit leader navigate their challenge.
Girls Inc of the Island City
Alameda, California

Member since 2024-06-06

Session Overview

We are seeking a volunteer for a brainstorming and direction-setting session about establishing a legacy giving program for Girls Inc. of the Island City.

Girls Inc. of the Island City (GIIC) leads award-winning programs that serve an ethnically and economically diverse population of youth, ages 6-18. Our Girls Program offerings include an after-school program, school-day interventions, weekend opportunities, and summer camp. Our mission is to inspire all girls to pursue healthy living (be strong), academic engagement and success (be smart), and life skills and character development (be bold). We also provide a co-ed after school experience to children ages 6-12 in five public elementary schools. GIIC serves approximately 800 youth each year.

As some of our most committed donors age, we see an opportunity to establish a legacy giving program. CEO Jennifer Pigza, PhD, is looking for a conversation partner experienced in fundraising and legacy giving programs. What are the right questions we should ask ourselves? What are some practical ideas to help us move forward? What mistakes should we try to avoid? We're in the beginning of the process and are hoping this conversation would provide a foundation for action.


Nonprofit Overview

Our mission is to inspire all girls and gender-expansive youth to be strong, smart, and bold through innovative programs, activities, and advocacy; and, to foster children's social, emotional, physical, and academic development through before and after school child care services.

