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Grant Writing for Program Supporting Women & Girls with Disabilities in Ghana
We need volunteers to write and submit grants to help fund our Disability Hope project. This project is aimed at empowering 500 women and girls with disabilities in the Ashanti Region, Ghana, who are facing triple disadvantages of sexism, ableism, and poverty, curtailing their visibility in society and their access to rights and sustenance. Beyond their struggle with their inability to have access to some of the necessities of life due to their disability, women and girls with disabilities often have to battle with cultural beliefs and practices which sometimes render their very existence problematic and shameful.
The intended funds will be used to support five hundred (500) disabled women and girls. Project activities involve the selection of five hundred disabled women and girls from the community, providing relevant training, and helping to recruit them in appropriate fields. The project aims to save lives, reduce poverty levels, and avoid untimely death. The estimated budget for the entire project is $400,000, and the time frame for it is from May 1, 2024 to December 31, 2024.
People with disabilities living in Ghana are the most overlooked group, because of their marginalized level (Buor et al., 2022). They may be denied social activities, sports, political, education, and economic rights. Again, because of their cognitive deficits, low education, and their inability to communicate issues well, most disabled women remain unemployed and depend on others for a living. Poor communication not only reduces interaction among family members, community leaders, and health providers but also affects their chances of getting good employment opportunities. In addition, a lack of awareness of disability rights and societal beliefs has a significant effect on interpersonal relationships between non-disabled and people without disabilities.
Most of these women specifically worry about their future, their inability to access quality healthcare, and marriage uncertainty in their lifetime (Buor et al., 2022). In addition, there is an increase in sexual irritation and abuse that might affect their health and emotional conditions. The significant negative effect may be that some women with disabilities will die prematurely. In addition, financial challenges can arise and further increase the burdens of women with disabilities who are unable to have access to suitable work. Unfortunately, it may reduce self-independence, increase stress, and increase unemployment rates in the region. The outcome will create special employment opportunities for these people, right to socio-economic activities, and encourage employers to engage them, and further participate in the decision-making process.
The first strategic plan has to do with community resource mapping. At this stage, we intend to meet all the key stakeholders and identify the appropriate resources needed for the Disability Hope project by encouraging the members to develop a passion for the project. Approximately five hundred (500) disabled women and girls will be selected. Each person will be given specific training based on their ability.
The second strategic plan is to give appropriate training to members (the staff, volunteers, and supportive teachers). The training will also take into consideration the local leaders, parents’ involvement, education rights, and best practices for inclusion. The next stage will emphasize monitoring and evaluation. Here we will strengthen the internal control system, and ensure effective controls schedule and time.
Our plan includes timely report delivery, time schedule, implementation reviews, quarterly and yearly review reports, half-year reports, and end-of-the-year final reports. At the final stage, we will celebrate the project outcome. This could help us to encourage potential donors to continue their funding of the care project and also show appreciation to our project team and stakeholders. The leaders of the above project are ideal personnel for this project in the sense that they are competent and trustworthy and have these three leadership skills: technical, problem-solving, and interpersonal. They are capable of coordinating the project team and stakeholders in an effective way to ensure the smooth running of the project.
Future Hope Foundation
http://www.futurehopeint.orgMember Since
Jan 2024
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