Stable Home Fund
4 - 5 weeks
Can be done remotely
New York, New York
Copy writing/editing

Posted February 25
Member since 2024-01-05

This project is currently inactive, and cannot accept applications at this time.


Project Overview

The Stable Home Fund seeks a writer who can help us create a compelling marketing document for a call to action by the commercial real estate senior executives to help support our rent relief program efforts.

We need:
1. to recruit volunteers for the Steering Committee that will advise on how affordable housing property management companies can contribute to eliminating rent debt and sustaining a cost-effective rent relief program
2. to create an annual event to raise rent relief funds

The Stable Home Fund is an innovative rent relief program platform that has the potential to help make systematic changes in how our society supports low-income families to have stable homes and better lives. The cooperation from the property managers is critical to the successful implementation of rent relief programs. We need to understand better how to align their interest with that of the tenants, philanthropy, and local governments. Also, we want to redirect some of their charitable giving to rent relief efforts, helping to create more resilient affordable housing communities.

We have prepared an outline and workflow for the project. Once the marketing document is created, it will be shared with the top candidates for the steering committee.


Nonprofit Overview

To create financial solutions for working families to have stable housing & build better lives


Copy writing