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Develop a Communications Plan Template
Our nonprofit needs support crafting a templated communications plan. We hope to use this framework for future program initiatives, fundraising events, or crisis situations.
We need your expertise to communicate big moments for our nonprofit clearly, concisely, and consistently. We are looking for a skilled communications professional to:
-Create a checklist to guide your organization through the who, what, when, and how of sharing program updates, internal shifts, or responses to current events
-This checklist should pull in all the various channels that our nonprofit should use to reach staff, users, clients, volunteers, or funders so we have a standardized plan for outreach
-The templated communications plan should take into account our current marketing tools and staff availability
This project should take from 12-24 hours to complete. We're hopeful that our volunteer partner will share 2-5 hours of their time per week.
Our organization is going through a reorganizational process, in which we are trying to consolidate and improve our external communications structure. In the past, different sectors of our organization have communicated separately, but we would like to have one aligned communications strategy. This is especially important to us, because we have such a variety of stakeholders to manage - from donors, to in-country local governments, to university students, to in-country staff. Someone with experience in communication strategy could help us better reach our target audiences and communicate our mission, to reach potential partners and stakeholders.
To prepare for the creation of this communications checklist, we have taken stock of existing email, PR, or social media tactics that have worked well for our team in the past.
Engineers in Action
http://www.engineersinaction.orgMember Since
Aug 2022
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Portland Aquatic Club
LCMS K.I.S.S. Club (Parent Booster USA)
Nia Association