Business Planning
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Business Plan Development
Founded in 2019, Scaling Student Success is a California partnership dedicated to more holistically preparing students for future success in college, career, and life. We have just completed a strategic planning process. One of our strategic goals is to create a business plan, which includes components focused on funding, staffing, and communications.
The funding strategy would combine multiple sources of potential income -- membership, philanthropic foundations, events, and individual donors.
The staffing strategy would merely identify priorities, timing, and associated expenses.
The communications strategy would include database setup and management, frequency and type of outreach, building capacity of champions/ambassadors, and establishing partnerships to increase outreach capacity and audience size.
This project is perfectly aligned with, and supports our new strategic plan, which includes a refreshed vision and mission. Our advisory board met this week and is fully supportive of proceeding with a business plan. As per above, several members have volunteered to offer their professional expertise to help with the process.
We can lean on two prior Taproot projects to inform this one. Both were completed several years ago. One Taproot project developed a communications plan. A second created a pitch deck for engaging high net worth individual donors.
The resulting business plan would guide the work plan of the executive director for the coming year (or more).
Several members of our advisory board have volunteered to join the executive director to support and guide the Taproot volunteer(s) as we build the business plan. One is a professional fundraiser. Another is a CFO. A third is the executive director of a partner (non-profit) with broad-ranging experience.
Our new strategic plan sets the tone and direction for this project.
Scaling Student Success
http://ScalingStudentSuccess.orgMember Since
Sep 2019
Completed Taproot Plus Partnerships
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