Marketing Strategy
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Online Marketing Campaigns Assistance
We are looking for help in creating online marketing campaigns. We need help learning where to direct our money, creating ads, and making sales through online channels. Google Merchants! Adwords! Amazon! Etsy!
Our goal at Ajiri is to create employment for women in Kenya and send orphans to school through the profits. The more tea and coffee we sell, the more women we can employ, and the more students we can send to school. We are a small company in need of online marketing expertise. You would be a valuable part of this TEAm working toward a better future.
We have started using Adwords, paying for ads on Etsy, and creating marketing campaigns on Amazon. But we aren't seeing enough traction. Your advice and skills would be tremendously valuable and immediately put to use.
Ajiri Tea Company
http://www.ajiritea.comMember Since
Aug 2016
Completed Taproot Plus Partnerships
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LCMS K.I.S.S. Club (Parent Booster USA)
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