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Familiarize yourself with the nonprofit. Do some quick research and skim through anything you can find such as their website and/or social media.


You'll have an 1 hour call to help a nonprofit leader navigate their challenge.
The Harvest Fund
Seattle, Washington
14 projects

Member since 2019-11-05

Session Overview

Hello! We are a dynamic nonprofit/NGO in Zambia. We work with 10 women's farming cooperatives to produce fresh vegetables. Government policies or climate events cause drops in vegetable prices so we're setting up an agro-processing site to can tomatoes, freeze sliced okra, etc. so that they don't rot. With grid limitations, we are running all of this on solar energy! We need a solar electrical engineer to provide a second opinion on the electrical load, battery requirements, types of inverters, and anything else that we might not have thought of.

You can learn more about us at


Nonprofit Overview

The Harvest Fund is a US 501(c)(3) organization with a mission to make the world's poorest populations resilient against climate change, free from hunger, and liberated from poverty. We work with women's farming groups in Zambia and other similar countries, providing them with seed, fertilizer, and technologies to make their farms more productive. By purchasing their produce, we generate revenue to expand our impact to more vulnerable populations. The goal is to ensure that these populations generate enough food and income to escape extreme poverty, avoid hunger, and fully educate the next generation.

Want to learn more? Visit and take a what we've done in just 3 years - let alone, during a pandemic - at

